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Dr sc. Marijana Mišković

Šef Odseka za citogenetiku

Molekularni biolog na poslovima kliničke laboratorijske dijagnostike


  • 2015: Specijalista biolog, Akademske specijalističke studije na Biološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, smer Genetika
  • 2014: Doktor nauka – biološke nauke, Doktorske studije na Biološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, smer Genetika
  • 2002: Diplomirani molekularni biolog i fiziolog, Biološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, studijska grupa Molekularna biologija i fiziologija, smer Biomedicina  


  • Društvo genetičara Srbije, sekcija Medicinska genetika
  • European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG)
  • European Cytogeneticists Association (ECA)

Reference od značaja

  1. Sunjog K, Cirkovic S, Vukovic-Gacic B, Guc-Scekic M, Miskovic M, Vujic D, Skoric D. Comet assay and cytogenetic findings in differential diagnosis of Fanconi anemia. Genetika 2019; 51(3): 1113-26.
  2. Dobric B,  Radivojevic D, Lalic T, Miskovic M, Cirkovic S, Djordjevic M, Djurisic M. Incidence of genetic causes of idiopathic male infertility in Serbia – ten years’ experience of single centre. Genetika 2019; 51(3): 1009-1019.
  3. Aguilera CA, Vinas-Jornet M, Baena N, Gaban E, Fernandez C, Capdevila N, Cirkovic S, Sarajlija A, Miskovic M, Radivojevic D, Ruiz A, Guitart M. Novel intragenic deletions within UBE3A gene in two unrelated patients with Angelman Syndrome: Case report and review of the literature. BMC Med Genet 2017; 18(1):137.
  4. Miskovic M, Lalic T, Radivojevic D, Cirkovic S, Ostojic S, Guc-Scekic M. Ten years of experience in molecular prenatal diagnosis and carrier testing for spinal muscular atrophy among families from Serbia. Int J Gyn Obst 2014; 124(2014): 55-8.
  5. Radivojevic D, Sovtic A, Minic P, Grkovic S, Guc-Scekic M, Lalic T, Miskovic M. Newborn screening for CF. Pediatr Int 2013; 55(2): 181-4.
  6. Miskovic M, Lalic T, Radivojevic D, Cirkovic S, Vlahovic G, Zamurovic D, Guc-Scekic M. Lower incidence of deletions in the survival of motor neuron gene and the neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein gene in children with spinal muscular atrophy from Serbia. Tohoku J Exp Med 2011; 225(3): 153-9.


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